Artsy Group Meetup
Teen RoomCome join our creative collective that meets every second Saturday. If you are a little artsy? Or you just like art. It doesn't matter if you have never been creative—come anyway. It has been proven that participating in the arts in any form will rewire your brain to help you become less stressed as well as healthier and happier. This is an informal gathering for a few hours on a Saturday where folks can work on any sort of "artsy" project they'd like. But there will be a theme each month in case you would like to participate. The theme will be explained on the sign up page in notes prior to the weekend. BYO supplies There will be a suggested list in the notes. (although we can find plenty of markers etc. at the church) You may also bring a snack for yourself or anything to share. Supervised children are welcome. We will meet in the Teen Room unless there are too many that have signed up. It will be posted on the entry door if this is the case. If you're ready to get into a flow state while connecting with others, this Artsy Group is for you! […]