2011 Ridge Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27607


Sunday Service
10:00 a.m.

Spiritual Care & Well-Being

How are you doing?

Community is community, when we stand with each other—especially on our hard days. We offer community care and other tools to help you in difficult times:

Process Afflictive Emotions
Do a self-awareness worksheet

Speak with an Empathetic Listener
Make an appointment

Work Toward Resolving a Conflict
Try our conflict resolution process

Request Pastoral Care
If your rough time is especially difficult

Request a Meal Train
Or assistance with meals

Request Finanical Assistance
We have an In It Together fund

Morgan Herr

Morgan Herr

Morgan Herr is our Community Care Coordinator. She talks with us when we’re having a tough time, discerns what we need, and helps organize the community to stand together. She’ll help you find a way to contribute.