Category: Friends for the Fray

Friends for the Fray: The Lost Art of Confession (part 3)
by Doug Hammack | Mar 9, 2010 | Friends for the Fray, Message Audio
So, after a few weeks championing the benefits confession affords our souls, we come today, to the...
Friends for The Fray: The Lost Art of Confession (part 2)
by Doug Hammack | Feb 28, 2010 | Friends for the Fray, Message Audio
After last week’s digression to reinforce the importance of making for ourselves a healthy...
Friends For The Fray: A Digression to Reinforce
by Doug Hammack | Feb 21, 2010 | Friends for the Fray, Message Audio
In this lesson, we digress for a moment before addressing the practicalities of the ancient art of...
Friends for the Fray: The Lost Art of Confession (part 1)
by Doug Hammack | Feb 14, 2010 | Friends for the Fray, Message Audio
The ancient art of confession is lost to most Christians today. It is a loss that causes great...
Friends for the Fray: An Imperative
by Doug Hammack | Feb 7, 2010 | Friends for the Fray, Message Audio
Solitary Spirituality and the Path to Anemia – Why You Shouldn’t Go It Alone “The Big...