Zoom Book Discussion: Your Brain on Art

Gather on Zoom as we dive into the book Your Brain on Art by Ivy Ross and Susan Magsamen.

Engaging in the Arts is vital to our well-being! The arts in its countless forms can quite literally rewire your brain. The more we participate in arts and aesthetics the healthier and happier we become.

Your Brain on Art reveals how immersing ourselves in art can improve our physical and mental health, help us learn and flourish and build stronger communities. The arts can deliver accessible and proven solutions for the well-being of everyone. This book offers compelling research that shows how engaging in an art project — from painting and dancing to expressive writing, architecture and more — for as little as forty-five minutes reduces the stress hormone cortisol, no matter your skill level, and just one art experience per month can extend your life by ten years.

A review from the book’s website: “The neuroscience of beauty, of witnessing or creating music, art, dance is an untapped doorway to healing the brain, to changing the very structure and function of our brains and minds. Your Brain on Art, explores the new science of neuroaesthetics, a way of reimagining how to live that includes art as an essential part of the human experience and an unexpected doorway to healing.” – Author Mark Hyman


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