ONE Wake Internal Assembly

This assembly will be an internal gathering of the Countywide Leaders Caucus, composed of Core Teams from all ONE Wake member institutions and institutions discerning membership (guests are welcome, but no candidates or media please).

The purpose of the assembly is to prepare for our fall action agenda, which includes TWO major, non-partisan candidate assemblies.

The first assembly will be held with candidates for Raleigh City Council and Wake Commissioners on October 10, 7:00 pm at Watts Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. The turnout goal is 1,000 people.

The second assembly will be held on October 20, 3:30 – 5:30 pm, with candidates for Governor, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, in collaboration with ONE Wake’s sister organizations in North Carolina, through NC United Power for Action, our shared statewide network. ONE Wake’s  turnout goal for this assembly is 400 – 600 people. More information and registration available soon.

Also up for discussion is the $30 million Cary affordable housing bond referendum, the Town’s first affordable housing bond which will be on the ballot for Cary voters this fall.

All participating institutions are asked to send a robust team of 10-15 people to help us launch our ambitious action agenda this fall.

Please register on their website to let them know CTC members will be in attendance (put Common Thread next to your name when registering) →

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