Category: Prayer of Detachment
"No Such Thing As Time!" That’s Just Crazy! Prayers of Detachment (9)
by Doug Hammack | Sep 27, 2015 | Message Audio, Prayer of Detachment
Before you dismiss the idea of time not being the solid thing we all live in – you should...I’m a Future-Fixate-er. You? Prayers of Detachment (8)
by Doug Hammack | Sep 20, 2015 | Message Audio, Prayer of Detachment
“Staying present to the moment.” It’s a buzz-phrase in contemplative circles...Staying Current with the Present Moment: Prayers of Detachment (7)
by Doug Hammack | Sep 13, 2015 | Message Audio, Prayer of Detachment
We took a break in August, from our lesson series on rethinking prayer (lots of change going on in...The Art of Watchfulness: Prayers of Detachment (6)
by Doug Hammack | Mar 22, 2015 | Message Audio, Prayer of Detachment
We’ve seen in this lesson, that the lives we live in the few years we get on this earth, are...Ahh! The Voices in My Head: Prayers of Detachment (5)
by Doug Hammack | Mar 15, 2015 | Message Audio, Prayer of Detachment
People! Their voices are always in us. Their expectations. Their beliefs. Their values. And those...