Sunday Morning Meditation Audio
Each Sunday we practice one of the ancient contemplative practices together. We have made audio from these Sunday meditations available so you can practice on your own:
Making Space For The Other
A guided self-examination on the theme of our current lesson. Explores our brain's unconscious tendency to frame others in two categories, inferior or superior. Take a few moments of self-examination, and as always, talk with a spiritual friend, about what you see...
A Meditation On Our To-Do Lists
This practice has been one of my most helpful forms of self-examination (Doug). It's a meditation on what makes it onto my to-do list (and why it makes it there). Instead of an online meditation, this recording is a description of the practice. Get something to write...
Meditation: A Life-Rhythm That Works
A self-examination meditation, considering the balance between doing and not-doing, productivity and not-productivity time. Turns out both are essential for living well. Have a listen. And, join the chat group, talk to one another about our experiences.
Meditation: Mindfulness and Thought Watching
A simple mindfulness meditation to help us become more aware of how constantly our thoughts dominate and control us. Join us. And, join the chat group to talk about your experience and hear about other’s.
Weekly Meditation: “He’ll Never Change!”
"That's Just The Way She Is!" (maybe no.)
Weekly Meditation: Am I Peopling Right? Respect
A meditation on specific ways we respect others. Are you?
Weekly Meditation: Catch Them Doing Good
Weekly Meditation: Acknowledging Is Not Agreeing
Weekly Meditation: Small Things That Are Big
Weekly Meditation: An Advent Act Of Kindness
Weekly Meditation: Gratitude and Our Innate Abilities
Weekly Meditation: Gratitude and Our Troubles
Weekly Meditation: Gratitude and Our People
Weekly Meditation: Gratitude, Beauty, and Truth
Weekly Meditation: Mindfulness and Brushing Our Teeth
Weekly Meditation: A Mindfulness Body Scan
Can We Drop The Whole Blood Sacrifice Thing? Yep.
So, if we’re not ugly and sinful at the core, why blood sacrifice? (and other ideas that’ll get you burnt at the stake.)