Donate to Easter Egg Hunt

Donate candy and prizes now through April 6 You can order something from our Amazon wish list here and have it sent directly to the kids' team! Donations of small, pre-wrapped candy and prizes (that will fit inside an easter egg) will be also be collected in the lobby now through April 6. Cash or check donations for purchase of candy and prizes are also welcome. (See Shelby Everhart or Haven Bornhoft.) Amazon Wishlist

Easter Egg Hunt

Church Grounds

Participate April 13 - 11:30 a.m. All nursery, preschool, & elementary children are invited to participate. We will have different hunts for different ages, activities, bubbles and pictures with the Easter Bunny. Stay after the hunt for a BYO picnic lunch!   Donate Candy and Prizes Now through April 6 You can order something from our Amazon wish list here and have it sent directly to the kids' team! Donations of small, pre-wrapped candy and prizes (that will fit inside an easter egg) will be also be collected in the lobby now through April 6. Cash or check donations for purchase of candy and prizes are also welcome. (See Shelby Everhart or Haven Bornhoft.) Amazon Wishlist   Volunteer April 13 - 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We will need adult volunteers for several positions from around 11:30-1:00. Egg Hiders for Teens (earlier shift from 9:30-10:15) Bubble Station Yard Games Station Egg Hunt Facilitator Clean-Up Register to Volunteer