2011 Ridge Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27607


Sunday Service
10:00 a.m.

This week we had a guest speaker at NRCC: David Williams.  He is the new Intervarsity Christian Fellowship leader for NCSU and Meredith.

Prison letters from our spiritual forefathers are often their most poignant writings. In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul clearly states that Jesus and not Caesar is the true leader of Christians and we should thus follow His leadership and example.

The meaning of Phil 3:17-21 has been traditionally interpreted as a dualism:
either as a “judgmental separation” where Christians (the spiritually-minded “us”) are differentiated from the worldly-minded “them” or as a “worldly escapism” where Christians feel not at home in the irreparably rotten world but constantly anticipate eternal life in heaven. However, I don’t feel that either of these interpretations is what Paul intended. Listen in to find out more.


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